How Login works

WalletManager script has the properties that the developer has to fill out. It has these sections:

  • Login: It contains various UI elements to modify them based on whether a session has been started or not.

  • License - Mandatory fields: The three fields that define a license: author, immutable name and category. The meaning of each field is explained in section . In the plugin the developer only has to fill these three properties with the appropriate values.

  • Nice1 Genesis Key: The Nice1 Genesis Key (NFT) will grant access to games and unique content in the games that are released with the support of Nice1. If the bool is true, WalletManager will first check if the logged user has this NFT.

  • FreeToPlay: Variable to indicate that game is free and therefore license checks are not required.

  • License - Error message: An error message which could be used to display when you do not own the game license (currently obsolete).

  • Vuplex - Error message: An error message which appears in the console when the Vuplex plugin is not installed.

Last updated